Tag: pasta

Cannellini Bean Vegetarian Meatballs

Cannellini Bean Vegetarian Meatballs

Delicious meat free alternative, these cannellini bean vegetarian meatballs bring the flavor! Okay so can we call them “meatballs” when they have NO meat? It doesn’t really matter what what you call them, they are DELICIOUS! Vegetarian meatballs can be made many ways, our meatballs 

Mushroom Stroganoff

Mushroom Stroganoff

My wife was raised eating meat, and one of her favorite dishes was beef stroganoff. Once we were married she would talk about how good her dad’s beef stroganoff is, and how much she missed it. This recipe came from my attempts to make her 

Tomato Sauce

Tomato Sauce

So often we take the easy way out in life because it saves us time or genuinely makes our lives better. Cells phones, cars, Uber, instant cart, Amazon prime, etc. We definitely value these things but honestly when was a store bought cookie better than 

Acorn Squash Pasta with Pumpkin Sage Sauce

Acorn Squash Pasta with Pumpkin Sage Sauce

This recipe is warm and comforting, it will have you thinking of cold crisp evenings, family, fire places, and warm blankets. Yep it’s going to be the flavors of fall in a bite. Cool it up on a cool evening and just try to resist 

Creamy Avocado Pesto Sauce

Creamy Avocado Pesto Sauce

•Creamy Pesto Sauce (vegan)• This sauce is so rich and creamy you would never believe there isn’t a hint of dairy in it! We love pesto and our kids do as well! It is always so rewarding to cook a clean healthy meal for your