Tag: side dish

Tomato Sauce

Tomato Sauce

So often we take the easy way out in life because it saves us time or genuinely makes our lives better. Cells phones, cars, Uber, instant cart, Amazon prime, etc. We definitely value these things but honestly when was a store bought cookie better than 

Easy Spanish Rice

Easy Spanish Rice

This time of year my heirloom tomatoes are ripening as fast as I can pick them! What a great problem to have right? The only issue is finding new ways to get them into our meals. Spanish rice recipes often call for canned tomatoes or 

Spicy Red Cabbage Slaw

Spicy Red Cabbage Slaw

Spicy Red Cabbage Slaw! I love a good slaw! It is the perfect side to go with a great summer barbeque plate, words great on a lot of sandwiches, and is perfect for topping tacos with. Like our Cauliflower Buffalo Tacos! Spicy jalapeño and lime play